Preventative Maintenance Plans
Preventive maintenance will ensure the maximum service life and optimum performance of the building assets that are the focus of the maintenance plan.
Experts agree that preventive maintenance (PM) is the least expensive and most beneficial approach to maintaining all types of property. PM is a proactive rather than reactive approach to maintaining the facility that focuses on planning for maintenance in advance in order to avoid the “fix it when it breaks” maintenance strategy.
PM will ensure that the building assets achieve the service life that is expected. In some cases PM may allow the service life to be extended beyond the point where replacement would otherwise be required.
In certain circumstances PM is required to maintain warranties or to comply with the contractual obligations of a shared maintenance agreement or the governing documents of a homeowner association.
Properties with a complex array of assets and equipment, such as high-rise buildings and large planned communities with fixed improvements that are spread out over a large geographic area may benefit by developing a maintenance program that utilizes a computerized maintenance management software program (CMMS) to manage the maintenance process.
If you feel that integration of a CMMS platform into your facility’s maintenance program may be beneficial , CRC can help you select a CMMS platform and develop a plan that will ensure the success of your community and the profitability of your investment.
Whether your objective is long-term ownership of an investment property or creating a financially sustainable common interest community CRC can assist you with developing a preventive maintenance program for your facility. To learn more please contact our offices or use the Request a Proposal link to request a proposal.